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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Asian dumplings: ground turkey, napa cabbage (boiled 5-7 mins and chopped), ground ginger, green onion, sesame seed oil, soy sauce, pepper (no salt needed due to the sodium in the soy sauce) Combine all ingredients in a bowl: Place your won ton wrappers on a cutting board: Use 2 spoons to put about a tablespoon of mixture on each wrapper: Use your finger to wipe a bit of water along the edges of each wrapper to help them stick together to seal the dumpling, then seal all the edges to create a small, beautiful, yummy meat package:
Here is a video of me creating the meaty package:

There are 2 methods of cooking that we use to cook the dumplings: steaming and frying
Steaming: Frying: Just so he doesn't feel left is the ONE dumpling (if you can even call it that) that Jason put together. It's so ugly that it's almost cute.
Finished product, voila!