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Wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend and teacher! Life is good!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Love day

Yesterday was Valentine's Day! My husband and I had a great day. We just relaxed during the day, got a massage in the afternoon and cooked dinner at the house last night.
Here are a few pictures of our romantic dinner:
Here we have the table setting with my flowers (both the Yellow Rose of Texas and Tennessee Iris), how sweet!

Here we are during the cooking process. Jason maned the steaks on the grill, and I worked on the lobster and sides.

We made asparagus,

mashed potatoes,

steak and lobster tail! YUMMY!

Here we are getting ready to enjoy!!!

Over all, a great day full of love!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I've been working on some "window" treatment for the back door of the house that connects the kitchen to the outside patio. I figured why not make a pretty year-round wreath to hang there. So here's my finished product:

Hung with a dark blue ribbon over the blinds.

I took strips of different colored fabrics including some blue tool and tied the strips of fabric to a coat hanger bent into the shape of a circle.

Next Christmas I think i will make a garland for the Christmas tree using strips of different colored fabrics on a cording to wrap around the tree.